If you are reading this, chances are you or a loved one has suffered a work-related injury or illness. Whether you are recuperating at home or still under treatment in the hospital, you could qualify for compensatory damages for a work-related injury or illness when you file your claim on time.
A seasoned personal injury attorney can help you utilize the workers' compensation process to obtain adequate compensation for all your losses caused by a work-related injury, including lost wages and medical costs.
The amount you will receive for your work-related injuries if everything goes in your favor will depend on the severity and type of your injury or illness. Read on to learn more about the most common types of work-related injuries and the possible damages you could receive for your losses after a successful workers' compensation claim.
Everyday Workplace Injuries You Need to Know
Creating a safe and hazard-free working environment is critical for employees and employers. Aside from disrupting productivity in a workplace, a work-related injury can leave you with overwhelming financial losses, including therapy and medical costs.
While some injuries and illnesses are pure accidents, others could be due to the failure or negligence of an employer to provide his/her employees with a safe and hazard-free working environment. With that in mind, here are some common types of workplace injuries that you ought to know:
Repetitive Stress Injury (RSI)
Commonly associated with work office employees, RSI occurs when you perform similar movements or tasks repeatedly. By performing similar tasks repetitively every day, a worker could experience deterioration of some of his/her body parts, especially the joints.
Aside from inhibiting your work productivity due to the deliberating pain, a repetitive stress or strain injury could permanently impair your ability to work. Some of the culprits or causes of RSI include:
- Manually lifting heavy objects or improper lifting technique
- Intensive keying or constant typing
- Lack of breaks on your work
- Carrying, pushing, or throwing
With the help of a credible personal injury attorney, you can file a workers' compensation claim to receive damages for all your injuries resulting from repetitive stress injuries.
Trip, Slip and Fall Injuries
Slip and fall injuries are undoubtedly some of the most common work-related injuries and the reason many employees file a workers' compensation claim. Some of the common causes of slip and fall injuries include:
- Cluttered walkways
- Improper lighting
- Slippery floors
- Unbalanced or uneven surfaces
Although they can occur in any workplace, sleep and fall accidents or injuries are more common in the construction industry. Depending on how you fall and the condition of the floor, you could suffer the following injuries in a slip-and-fall accident:
- Bruises
- Traumatic brain injury
- Organ damage
- Spinal cord injury
- Bone fractures
If trip, slip, and fall accidents are common or likely to occur in your workplace due to poor lighting, oily floors, or any other reason, educating yourself on what to do when you fall on your back is a wise idea. Even though your injury could seem minor, it can leave you with burdensome financial problems and other long-lasting consequences.
Crush Injuries
A crash injury(s) occurs when your body part becomes trapped between or under two surfaces. Depending on how heavy the weight resting on your body is and how long this compression lasts, you could suffer bone breakages or compartment syndrome. In severe cases, the affected limb or body part could require amputation.
While they can occur in any workplace, crush injuries are more common in workplaces with heavy machinery and vehicles like forklifts moving around. If you have a crush-related injury, you should work with an attorney to begin the investigation and file your workers' compensation claim on time.
Heat-Related Injuries
People who work in the construction or agriculture industry are probably aware of the risk of heat exhaustion or heat-related injuries. However, any employee working in a hot or humid environment can suffer these injuries.
If physical exertion or environmental conditions cause your body temperature to rise, there is a high chance you could suffer heat exhaustion. When you fail to receive immediate medical attention to lower this extreme body temperature, it could worsen and become heatstroke, affecting your brain.
Ensure you speak with a doctor as soon as possible if you have suffered a heat-related injury in your workplace for immediate treatment.
Work-Related Auto Accident Injuries
Some jobs require workers to drive, meaning there is a chance that an employee can sustain a work-related auto accident injury. Fortunately, if you have sustained an injury in a work-related auto accident, you could qualify for compensatory damages to cover your losses when you file a workers' compensation claim.
Overexertion Injuries
An overexertion injury is another common work-related injury that could require some time off daily duties or work. You are more likely to suffer from overexertion if you work in a warehouse or transportation industry because these jobs often require you to put much strain on your body, especially on your knees, shoulders, and back.
Generally speaking, you could sustain a burn in your workplace in various ways. The most common way you could sustain a burn injury is when your body or skin comes into contact with a heated or hot surface. Examples of workers at risk of burn injuries include welders, firefighters, restaurant workers, and any other employee who works in an environment with hot surfaces.
The damage that a work-related burn can cause could range from charred skin to severe internal damage, depending on how long your body is in contact with the fire or hot surface and the source of the fire. Employees can also suffer chemical burns when their body or skin comes into contact with harsh substances like acid.
Whether your work-related burn was due to acid or fire, you could qualify for compensation when you file a workers' compensation claim on time.
Object Impact Injuries
Objects falling from heights could lead to severe and life-changing injuries. That is true even if the object is not heavy, as long as it falls from a high height. While they are more common in construction sites, object impact injuries could occur even in officer settings.
For instance, a poorly secured cabinet for storing files in an office can fall on your head when pushed accidentally, leading to concussions and other severe head-related injuries.
Even though electrocution is not a common work-related injury, it can happen in some work settings. For example, workers in construction sites or power plants are more likely to be electrocuted than those in offices.
Every employer has a legal duty to ensure his/her employees are aware of areas with live electricity wires to prevent electrocution while performing their duties. As an employee, your employer should also provide you with protective equipment and clothing to prevent electrocution.
When you suffer electrocution in your workplace, you should talk with your attorney to help you prepare and file a workers' compensation claim to receive damages for your losses.
Fall From Height Injuries
Undoubtedly, one of the most common causes of death in many workplaces is falling from heights. If you are lucky to survive, the resulting injuries after falling from a height could be severe, including spinal cord injury, bone breakages, and head injury. While they are more common on construction sites, fall-from-height injuries could occur in any workplace.
When working at heights, your employer should provide you with safety nets, guardrails, and safety harnesses to prevent this type of workplace injury. Your employer should also ensure you have proper training on using these safety tools and equipment when working from heights to prevent foreseeable accidents.
Hearing Loss
Although hearing loss could be due to a single event, like being close to a blast or explosion, prolonged exposure to loud noises is the primary cause of this issue. Employees with jobs that require them to spend a lot of time in noisy environments are more likely to develop hearing issues.
Employees at airports and construction sites, for example, are more susceptible to hearing loss as a result of prolonged exposure to loud noises. Sometimes, prolonged exposure to loud noises can cause irreparable damage, like tinnitus.
Handling hazardous chemicals is part of your job description in some factories and industries. In other industries, workers come into contact with carcinogens, which puts them at high risk of developing cancerous tissues.
For instance, civilian firefighters who use AFFF fire fighting foam are more likely to come into contact with toxic chemicals that increase their chances of developing cancer. Some workplaces can also expose you to carcinogens, which your body can absorb through the skin or by inhaling, increasing your odds of developing cancerous tissues.
Cuts and Lacerations
While people who work on construction sites are more likely to sustain cuts and lacerations, any working environment where employees use sharp objects, including restaurants and offices, can put you at risk of cuts and lacerations. Paper trimmers and knives are examples of equipment that can cause workplace injuries when used recklessly, improperly, or without proper safety gear.
Employer's Safety Obligations in a Workplace
Although some workplace accidents are inevitable, employers are legally responsible for protecting their employees' welfare, safety, and health. In other words, an employer must do everything possible to manage or control safety and health hazards in their workplace. Legally, employers are obligated to do the following to protect his/her employees' welfare:
- Consult his/her employees on health and safety issues in the workplace
- Conduct a thorough assessment of his/her workplace to identify potential hazards that could cause illness or injury
- Take appropriate action to manage or eliminate safety hazards in the workplace. For instance, by providing employees with personal protective equipment (PPE)
- Provide his/her employees with details about the risks inherent in their work area and how they can stay safe when performing their duties
- Carry out routine repair and maintenance of his/her work equipment
If your employer fails to fulfill these legal responsibilities, you can sue him/her for damages when you suffer a work-related injury or illness. Your attorney must demonstrate beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant (employer) was negligent to qualify for compensatory damages for your losses brought on by the illness or injury sustained at work.
A seasoned and aggressive personal injury attorney will have appropriate evidence that will work in your favor to obtain the utmost compensation for your losses, including medical expenses and lost wages.
Reasons Why You Need a Personal Injury Attorney After Sustaining a Work-Related Injury
You cannot undermine the role of an attorney if you have a work-related injury. Here are some of the reasons to retain the services of an attorney if you or a loved one has a work-related injury:
He/she Will Offer You Legal Advice
The legal justice system can be confusing, especially if it is your first time seeking compensation for a work-related injury. Once you hire an attorney, he/she will be your legal counsel through every stage of the workers' compensation claim process for the best possible outcome.
He/she Will Gather Evidence and Prepare Your Workers' Compensation Claim
To obtain compensation for your losses after sustaining injuries in your workplace, you must file a workers’ compensation claim. Your personal injury attorney can help you gather all the evidence that can help strengthen your workers’ compensation claim for the best possible outcome.
He/she Will Help You Calculate Your Claim's Worth
Several factors will come into play when calculating your claim's worth, and a reliable attorney understands this. When calculating your claim's worth, your attorney will consider several factors, including possible future medical expenses and your ability to work to earn income to care for yourself and your family.
Find a Personal Injury Attorney Near Me
Workers' compensation is a form of insurance, and just like any other insurance provider, they do not have your best interest in mind, even if you have evidence to support your claim. Due to this, you would want to work with a reliable attorney to represent your best interests for the best possible outcome.
We invite you to call our reliable personal injury attorneys at Jacksonville Personal Injury Attorney at 904-800-7557 if you have a work-related injury. We can help you prepare a workers' compensation claim and represent your best interests for the best possible outcome.